IGNOU 33rd Registration has been Started. IGNOU 33rd Convocation Dates are announced. The convocation program is organized to distribute provisional degree certificates to lakhs of IGNOU students. Once during a year for 2 consecutive Term End Examination sessions, convocation within the world’s largest Open University i.e. IGNOU is organized.


CONVOCATION IGNOU The 17th February 2020 is that the date for the 33rd Convocation of Gandhi National Open University . While before attending the convocation, registration is mandatory.

The last date to fill IGNOU Convocation form is 5th February 2020. Only those students who qualified for December 2018 TEE and June 2019 TEE (Term End Examinations) are going to be eligible to attend the 33rd convocation.

IGNOU 2020 33rd Convocation – Registration Started

New IGNOU 2020 33rd Convocation Registration has been Started. Click Here to Register.

The 33rd Convocation is probably going to be persisted 17th February 2020. (Keep visiting website regularly for any information updates).


·        Bennett University (Times Group), Admission Open for 2020.

·        Manav Rachna University, Haryana – 2020 UG & PG Admission Open.

·        LPU, Punjab Admissions 2020 Open | Secure Your Admission Online.

·        Chandigarh University, Punjab 2020 Admission Open for all Courses.

·        Sharda University, Admission Open 2020, Few Days left.

·        MIT World Peace University, Admissions Open for All Courses 2019-20.

·        St. Andrew’s Institute of Technology and Management, Admission open 2020.

·        GD Goenka, Admission Open for UG & PG Courses.

Besides convocation, the announcement of toppers or gold medalist isn't done anywhere. Neither in any affiliated colleges or regional centers. Gold medalists are awarded ‘Topper Certificates’ and ‘Medal’ during the ceremony periods only. CONVOCATION IGNOU All many regional centers conduct convocation ceremonies separately for his or her respective students. While, main convocation ceremony of the 33rd convocation of IGNOU are going to be held in IGNOU headquarters, Maidan Garhi, New Delhi, India. For international/ foreign candidates of Gandhi National Open University , no convocation ceremony is organized.


CONVOCATION IGNOU The important part to note here is that not all candidates who appeared in IGNOU December 2018 and June 2019 Term End Examinations are going to be eligible to attend the 33rd convocation of IGNOU. in last week of February 2019, the board will upload the PDF file of eligible candidates’ list on the official website Convocation fee is INR (Indian National Rupees) 600/- per certificate for college kids of BNS (Bachelor of Nursing Course), BTCM [BTech Civil (Construction Management)], M.Com (Master of Commerce), MCA (Master of Computer Application) and MBA (Master of Business Administration), etc.


Application Filling Instruction Step by Step-

Apart from this, as a neighborhood of the newest news in IGNOU, Examination Form fees revised @ Rs. 150/- per course for TEE June 2019 rather than Rs. 120/-, for submission of online Term End Examinations June 2019 onwards. Here’s the way to fill IGNOU 33rd Convocation online form:


Eligible students are required to register themselves for obtaining the degree/diploma certificate and pay the requisite fee of Rs.600/- per certificate through On-line mode only.


Step 1: Open this link – of the official website of Gandhi National Open University .

Step 2: Carefully read all “instructions for college kids .”

Step 3: eventually press button “Click Here to Register.”

Step 4: Enter the enrollment number and hit the search button.

Step 5: Next, if you’re eligible, further form filling procedure are going to be continued. If not eligible, the screen will show “Enrollment Number Not Found.”


Moreover, there's no point in expecting the 31st convocation anymore. Following unknown administrative reasons, the 31st convocation is canceled. CONVOCATION IGNOU  And, for nearly all the candidates, the 31st convocation fee is refunded by post at their registered home address.

Students need to take all the certificates if they need qualified for quite one module of the Programme paying Rs.600/- each. Unsuccessful fee payment may be a common issue while filling up the IGNOU form through the official website i.e.

If something like this happens in your case, you'll drop the complaint email:, also you'll contact at 011-29572209, 29572224.