MEG 12
Assignment 2020-21
Max. Marks: 100
Attempt all TEN
questions and answer each question in approximately 500 words.
1 What are some major concerns that dominate 20th century Canadian Literature? Give a reasoned answer.
2 Write a detailed note on the different stages of Canadian history from the First Settlers to the present times.
3 Atwood and Ondaatje are major novelists who have also made a mark as poets. Discuss their contribution to both genres from your study of their novels/poems in your course.
4 Write a detailed note on the main character of the novel Surfacing.
5 Through the story of the Lacasse family, Gabrielle Roy presents a picture of the poor inhabitants of Montreal. Discuss.
6 Love and war are interconnected in The English Patient. Discuss with examples from the novel.
7 Attempt a critical appreciation of “Swimming Lessons” by Rohinton Mistry.
8 With reference to “The Door I Shut Behind Me” discuss whether immigrants lead a “Trishanku” like existence.
9 The Ecstasy of Rita Joe is a hard hitting criticism of Canadian society. Do you agree? Give reasons for your answer.
10 Comment on Northrop Frye’s ‘Anatomy of Criticism’ as a major critical text.