MJM 031 Solved Assignment 2020-21



Assignment Code: MJM 31/ July2020/Jan2021

Marks: 100

Note: Answer all the questions, they carry equal marks.

1. Take an internaAonally recognised Journalism/communicaAon journal. Read one research arAcle which was published in this journal a`er 2015. IdenAfy the various components of this parAcular research arAcle. Give its citaAon details including DOI. Write your report within the 400-600 word limit.

2. IdenAfy a report which is based on exit polls or public opinion polls. Examine the nature of the sample design used in it. Give a detailed explanaAon about the sampling method adopted in these exit polls/opinion polls. Word limit is 400-600.

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3. Design a quesAonnaire comprising 15-20 quesAons on a topic of your choice. For each quesAon, you need to idenAfy the relevant staAsAcal test and specify the nature of the data. Word limit is 400-600.

4. Go through some journals in mass communicaAon and idenAfy the studies which have used staAsAcal tests as part of data analysis and interpretaAons. Examine the type of tests used in these studies. Word limit is 400-600.

5. Design a content analysis study for media-related research. Define its populaAon, sample selecAon, construcAng categories, idenAfying units of analysis and it's coding. Word limit is 400-600.

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