Penal Code Solved Assignment 2020-21
Course Code: MLE 012
Assignment Code: MLE 012 /January
2021and July 2021
Total Marks: 100
Note: All questions are
Answer each question in about 200
words each. Each question carries 5 marks.
(5x10 = 50)
1. Explain the concept of group
2. What is the need for re-visiting
criminal law?
3. Distinguish between Intention and
4. Explain the concept of Transferred
5. Define Mens rea.
6. When does right of private defence
against body comments? Explain briefly with illustrations.
7. Explain the concept of legal
8. What is grave and sudden
9. Discuss the essential elements of
theft. 10. Write a note on Social Disabilities.
Answer each question in about 350
words each. Each question carries 10 marks.
(5x10 = 50)
11. Write a note on excusable
12. Explain the case of Lakshmi v.
State, AIR 1959 on insanity.
13. Write a note on Defence of
14. Distinguish between Culpable
Homicide and Murder
15. Explain various legal provisions
provided under different legislations for the protection of Women against
Sexual Harassment.
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