AND PREVENTION Solved Assignment 2020-21
Course Code: BLE 033
Assignment Code: BLE 033/January 2021
and July 2021
Total Marks: 100
Note: All questions are
Answer each question in about 200
words each. Each question carries 5 marks.
(5x10 = 50)
1. Define rehabilitation.
2. What are the challenges in the
process of rehabilitation? Discuss briefly.
3. Write a note on Social
4. Discuss the role of Media in
combating Human Trafficking.
5. What is Rights based reporting?
6. Write a note on Making Sense of the
7. What do you understand by the term
“The Problems Grid”?
8. Write a note on the Welfare Fund
9. How can ICT become a tool to
prevent Human Trafficking?
10. Addressing Human Trafficking is a
collective concern. Do you agree to this statement? Give your views.
Answer each question in about 350
words each. Each question carries 10 marks.
(5x10 = 50)
11. Discuss the process of
Rehabilitation in cases of Human Trafficking.
12. Do you agree to the view that by
controlling demand factor one can stop Human Trafficking? Discuss.
13. Describe different elements of
good practice to prevent Human Trafficking.
14. Write a note on Ethical standards
to be followed while reporting a Human Trafficking case.
15. Discuss the linkage between Human
Trafficking and Development.
Related Links :
BLE 032 Solved Assignment 2020-21
BEGAE 182 Solved Assignment 2020-21
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