Rights in India Solved Assignment 2020-21
Course Code: CHR 12
Assignment Code: CHR 12/January 2021 and
July, 2021
Total Marks: 100
Note: All questions are
Write short notes on any 4 of the
following in about 150 words. Each carries 5 marks
4 x 5 = 20
1. Juvenile Justice System
2. National Commission for the
Protection of Child Rights (NCPCR)
3. Human Rights and Terrorism
4. Rights of Minorities
5. Freedom of Religion
Attempt any 5 questions in about 300
words. Each question carries 10 marks.
(5x10 = 50)
6. Discuss the 3 teer redressal
mechanism provided under the Consumer Protection Act.
7. Discuss the guidelines that need to
be followed in case of arrest of Female.
8. What is FIR? What important points
need to be kept in mind while lodging an FIR
9. Describe the machinery provided
under Protection of Women from Domestic Violence Act (2005).
10. Critically analyse the challenges
faced by the contemporary human rights movement.
11. Discuss the Constitutional
provisions for the protection of tribal identity.
12. Discuss the key provisions of the
Parents and Senior Citizens Act, 2007
Attempt any 2 question in about 600
words each. Each question carries 15 marks.
(2x15 = 30)
13. Discuss the various fundamental
rights enshrined in the Constitution of India.
14. What do you understand by Judicial
Review? What is its importance in the protection of Human Rights?
15. Critically evaluate the role of
judiciary in the protection of environment.
16. Describe the nature of the problem
of untouchability and Social exclusion in India. How this problem has been
dealt with by the Constitution?
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