to Publishing and its Legal Aspects Solved Assignment 2020-21
Programme: MBP
Assignment Code: MBP 001/TMA/2019/ 2020
Max. Marks: 100
Answer all questions (500 words per
answer unless otherwise indicated). All questions carry equal marks.
1. Explain what you understand by the
term ‘publishing’? How does book publishing differ from newspaper publishing?
2. Describe the structure and
functions of the editorial department in a publishing house.
3. Explain the concept of copyright
and related rights.
4. What are the tasks carried out by
the Promotion and Sales department of a publishing house?
5. Write short notes of about 250
words each on any two:
a. Types of publishing
b. ISBN and ISSN
c. The Charter of the Book.
d. Documentary Heritage
e. Infringement of Copyright.
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