AND EMERGING TECHNOLOGIES Solved Assignment 2020-21
Programme: MBP
Assignment Code: MBP 003/TMA/20019-20
Max. Marks: 100
Answer all questions (500 words per
answer unless otherwise indicated). All questions carry equal marks.
Answers all questions:
1. Discuss the factors that are key to
successful book designing.
2. Differentiate between hot composing
and cold composing and briefly discuss each type.
3. Briefly describe the history of
book binding with suitable examples.
4. List some common word processing
programs and discuss the advantages of using such programs to prepare a
manuscript for the printer.
5. Write short notes on any two of the
following in about 150 — 200 words each :
(a) Importance of proof-reading
(b) How does DTP work?
(c) Factors in the selection of paper
(d) Faults of binding
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