MGP 005 Solved Assignment 2020-21



Course Code: MGP 005

Assignment Code: MGP 005/ASST/TMA/2020-21

Marks: 100

Answer five questions in all, selecting at least two questions from each section. Each question is to be answered in about 500 words. Each question carries 20 marks.



1. Explain the meaning, types and levels of Peace.

2. Explain the characteristics of Representative Democracy.

3. Critically examine the Global Sources of Contemporary conflicts.

4. Describe briefly the concept of peace and the means of creating and sustaining peace.

5. What do you understand by the Gandhian concept of Justice? Elaborate.


Write a short note on each part of the question in about 250 words:

6. a) Critique of Rawls' Principles of Justice

b) Affirmative action policy in India

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7. a) Sources of conflicts

b) Peace Movements across Nations

8. a) Relation between Economic inequality and exploitation

b) Religious harmony and Peace

9. a) Western and Eastern perspectives of conflict and their resolution

10. a) Importance of Lok Adalat as a forum of peaceful resolution of disputes

b) Importance of Non-Violence for a Peaceful World Order

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