MJM 021 Solved Assignment 2021-22


Reporting Techniques Solved Assignment 2021-22

Assignment Code: MJM 021/Jan/July 2021

Marks: 100

Note: Answer all questions, they carry equal marks.

1. Take five news clippings from a newspaper of your choice – one each of political, economic, sports, crime and entertainment stories. Paste them on a sheet of paper and underline the sources cited in each story. Underneath each story briefly comment on whether the sources used make the story credible or is some aspect is missing in the story which could have made it more reliable. In each case, justify your answer. (500 words).

2. Visit the office of a local newspaper/TV channel and draw the organizational structure of their news room. Also explain the function/role of each section of the newsroom. Click photos of the place and paste them. (350 words)

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3. On the basis of your reading of the unit ‘Research for Journalistic Writing’, use the various methods and tools of journalistic research to write an article on the ‘use of media as the new normal for education’. (500 words)

4. In the form of a case study, write about any important Indian case in the past decade in which media trial has impacted the outcome of the case (or the court has taken a serious view of the media trial leading to penalty/punishment of the media house). (500 words)

5. Write a story on the rising number of domestic violence cases during the lockdown due to pandemic citing data from credible sources. (500 words)

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