MEG 05 Solved Assignment 2022-23


MEG 05 Solved Assignment 2022-23

Literary Criticism & Theory

MEG 05 Solved Assignment 2021-22 : All assignments are in PDF format which would be send on email/WhatsApp (9958676204) just after payment.

Max. Marks: 100

Answer all questions.

1. Discuss Aristotle's view of literature as imitation.


Aristotle's view of literature as imitation Word imitation has great importance in literature. Aristotle explained meaning of this word in order to defend poetry which is called Aristotle’s concept/theory of imitation. Although he was not first to use this word yet he comes first in redefining its meanings. Word “imitation” was used as a synonym of copy of copy before Aristotle. Plato used this word for the first time. He was of the considerable view that poetry was shadow of a shadow, thus, it was twice away from reality.

Aristotle answered Plato and refuted charge against poets. He redefined meanings of imitation. Aristotle's view of literature as imitation, Regardless of that whole concept of idea and copy remained the same. In simple words, Aristotle agreed that the world was created from an idea and the world was its copy. He also agreed that a poet imitated the reality/nature but meaning of word imitation did not mean mere copy. He did not consider poetry twice away from reality.

Imitation is a creative process in the eyes of Aristotle. He links poetry with music instead of painting. He says that poetry is pleasant just like a flute’s sound that is full of harmony, therefore, it is not right to compare poets with painters and poetry with painting. A poet, further says Aristotle, does not present things as they appear but bestows them his imagination. Hence, poetry is not the process of seeing things and simply converting it to words; a poet reinvents things with his imagination and experiences.

Imitation Vs. Reality and History:

If imitation is the name of copying facts then there must be no creativity in poetry. As mentioned earlier, Aristotle argues that a poet presents men in action. He presents men as they were or are or as they ought to be. If men are being presented as they are without any blend of imagination and creative power then it is not poetry but history. Creativity differentiates history from poetry. A historian may also write about the sorrows and pains, suffered by humans, but it would not necessarily be filled with emotions. Strong power of imagination is required to convert ordinary and simple incidents to extraordinary events so that they cause “catharsis”. Aristotle’s redefined “imitation” is the only concept/theory, through which poetry becomes highly effective.

Upshot of the above discussion is that Aristotle has encouraged the poets to write poetry. He blows a new soul to the word “imitation”. Plato’s charges against the poets have successfully been refuted by Aristotle in his book “Poetics”. Aristotle’s concept/theory of imitation shows the world that it is not mere a procedure of copying things but a creative process, which requires high imaginative powers. Hence, it cannot be called duplicating things. It is a process of creating something astonishing from ordinary things with the help of strong vision. A poet, hence, through imitation brings things closer to reality instead of taking them twice away from reality.

2. What do Wordsworth and Coleridge have to say on poetic diction.


Wordsworth himself isn't free from review. Coleridge is the first critic to denounce his views expressed in"Preface to the Lyrical Ditties". He's particularly critical of his proposition of lyrical diction and his defence of metre. He exposes numerous sins of Wordsworth's proposition. Wordsworth addresses of a named and purified language. Coleridge argues that similar type of language would differ in no way from the language of any other men of firm. After similar selection, there would be no difference between the rustic language and the language used by common men in their ways of life. Again Wordsworth permits the use of metre inferring a particular order and arrangement of words. So Coleridge concludes that there's and there ought to be an essential difference between the language of prose and rhythmic composition. Metre medicates the whole atmosphere and the language of poetry is bound to differ from that of prose. The use of metre is as artificial as the use of lyricaldiction.However, it's absurd to prohibit the use of the other, If one is allowed. Both are inversely good sources of lyrical pleasure.

 Coleridge objects to Wordsworth's views on the use of common language. He says that the views can be applicable only in some cases. Again when the rustic language is purified of its crassness and oddities would be virtually the same as the language used by any other class of men. Likewise, Coleridge feels that the language of the countrymen would prove to be too skimp to give the suitable diction for the expression of varied gests. He also criticised the"Preface"for the dispensable obscurity of its ultimate half. The diction employed is also unnecessarily elaborate and constrained.

Coleridge again refuses that stylish corridor of our language are deduced from nature. The stylish words are abstract nouns and generalities. These are deduced from the reflective acts of the mind. This reflection grows as man advances from the so- called primitive state. As man has advanced in study, he has acquired new ideas and generalities which can not be expressed through the use of rustic language which is primitive and undeveloped. However, he must also suppose like the countrymen, If the minstrel wants to use the rustic language. The language of the countrymen is curiously affordable. It would be putting the timepiece back. Rather of progression, it would be regression.

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Coleridge refutes Wordsworth's judgement of Gray's sonnet. He also quotes a many lines from The Faerie Queene by Edmund Spenser. He shows that the language used in them is by no means the language of ordinary. This language would by no means be used in prose. Coleridge also argues that Wordsworth'sover-emphasis on his proposition of lyrical style was maybe a response against the garish pretension of the kind of style which had been current in poetry in the 18th century.

Similar are the sins of Wordsworth's proposition. It must also be admitted that he didn't cleave to his proposition in his own practice. Reversed and lyrical constructions are frequent in his poetry. His vocabulary is frequently not drawn from rustic life. He doesn't always use the language of real men of the countrymen of Cumberland. He doesn't exercise his own proposition in his"Tintern Abbey"," Eternity Ode"and"The Prelude". The language of the runes isn't the language of common man. So his proposition is frequently either inconsistent with his practice or simply shy as a proposition.

 Still, Wordsworth's proposition of lyrical diction is significant and far- reaching. But it's full of contradictions and limitations. Wordsworth fails to maintain it in his own runes too. So"Preface to the Lyrical Ditties"is inept in argument and conventional of expression. Coleridge crtiticises Wordsworth's proposition of lyrical diction to a great extent. His assessment isn't fully right. We may agree with him that there's surely a difference between the language of prose and the language of poetry. At the same time, we must honor the value of Wordsworth's proposition of lyrical diction.

3. Write short notes on the following:

4 x 5 = 20

(a) Catharsis

(b) Auchitya

(c) Superstructure

(d) 'Pleasure' and 'instruction' as ends of literature

4. What does I. A. Richards talk about in Practical Criticism?


5. Comment on Lacan's main contribution to critical theory.


MEG 05 Solved Assignment 2021-22 : All assignments are in PDF format which would be send on email/WhatsApp (9958676204) just after payment.

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MEG 05 Solved Assignment 2022-23, MEG 05 Solved Assignment 2022-23, MEG 05 Solved Assignment 2022-23, MEG 05 Assignment, IGNOU Assignment MEG 05 2022-23- Gandhi National Open University had recently uploaded the assignments of the present session for Programme for the year 2022-23. MEG 05 Solved Assignment 2022-23 Students are recommended to download their Assignments from this web page itself. They don’t got to go anywhere else when everything regarding the Assignments are available during this article only.

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