MEC 106 Solved Assignment 2022-23


MEC 106 Solved Assignment 2022-23


MEC 106 Solved Assignment 2022-23 : All assignments are in PDF format which would be send on email/WhatsApp (9958676204) just after payment.

Course Code: MEC 106

Asst. Code: MEC 106/TMA/2022-23

Total Marks: 100

Note: Answer all the questions.


Answer the following questions in about 700 words each. Each question carries 20 marks.

1. Define and elaborate the term ‘Global Public Goods’ (GPG)? How are millennium development goals are associated with GPG? Explain knowledge as a GPG.


2. Discuss the public debt situation of India. How can the deficit in the government budget be financed? How does the concept of debt sustainability work?



Answer the following questions in about 400 words each. Each question carries 12 marks.

3. Explain collective decision making with the help of majority voting and median voter theorem.


4. Explain the theory of fiscal federalism and discuss the inter-governmental transfers in India.


5. Define Externalities. Explain how externalities lead to market failure. How does a negative production externality allocate resources inefficiently? Use appropriate diagram to support your answer.


6. Define Public Goods. Elaborate the features of a public good. Show the efficient provision of a public good as per the Lindahl’s equilibrium model.


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7. Write short notes on the following:


(i) Command and Control method

(ii) Wagner’s Law

(iii) Ramsey Rule of optimal commodity taxation

MEC 106 Solved Assignment 2022-23 : All assignments are in PDF format which would be send on email/WhatsApp (9958676204) just after payment.

MEC 106 Solved Assignment 2022-23, MEC 106 Solved Assignment 2022-23, MEC 106 Solved Assignment 2022-23, MEC 106 Assignment, IGNOU Assignment MEC 106 2022-23- Gandhi National Open University had recently uploaded the assignments of the present session for Programme for the year 2022-23. MEC 106 Solved Assignment 2022-23 Students are recommended to download their Assignments from this web page itself. They don’t got to go anywhere else when everything regarding the Assignments are available during this article only.

For Students - MEC 106 Solved Assignment 2022-23 Students are advised that after successfully downloading their Assignments, you'll find each and each course assignments of your downloaded Programme. MEC 106 Solved Assignment 2022-23 Candidates need to create separate assignment for the IGNOU Master Course, in order that it's easy for Evaluators to see your assignments.

IGNOU Assignment Status 2022-23

MEC 106 Solved Assignment 2022-23 Those students who had successfully submitted their Assignments to their allocated study centres can now check their Assignment Status. MEC 106 Solved Assignment 2022-23 Alongside assignment status, they will also checkout their assignment marks & result. All this is often available in a web mode. MEC 106 Solved Assignment 2022-23 after submitting the assignment, you'll check you IGNOU Assignment Status only after 3-4 weeks. it'd take 40 days to declare.

MEC 106 Solved Assignment 2022-23 once the TEE assignments are submitted to the Centres, it's send to the evaluation department. After which the evaluation of IGNOU Assignment Solutions takes place.

MEC 106 Solved Assignment 2022-23 :- Those students who had successfully submitted their Assignments to their allocated study centers can now check their Assignment Status. Alongside --assignment status, they will also checkout their assignment marks & result. All this is often available in a web mode. After submitting the assignment, you'll check you MEC 106 Solved Assignment 2022-23 only after 3-4 weeks. MEC 106 Solved Assignment 2022-23 it'd take 40 days to declare MEC 106 Solved Assignment 2022-23

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