MEG 17 Solved Assignment 2023-24


MEG 17 Solved Assignment 2023-24


MEG 17 Solved Assignment 2023-24 : All assignments are in PDF format which would be send on email/WhatsApp (9958676204) just after payment.

Assignment Code: ASST/ MEG 17/2023-24

Marks: 100

Attempt any five of the following. All question carry equal marks.

Q1. Had it not been for Puritans, American Drama would have been different discuss.

The impact of Puritanism on American drama is significant due to the Puritans' stringent religious beliefs, moral strictures, and societal norms, which greatly influenced early American culture and thought.

1. Delay in the Development of Drama:

Puritans had a firm belief that any form of entertainment was frivolous and took individuals away from their religious duties. Theater was seen as a form of idleness, which was considered sinful, leading to a general discouragement of drama in the New England colonies. The first American play wasn't performed until 1714, more than a century after the establishment of the Jamestown colony. Without the strong Puritan influence, American drama might have developed earlier and had a longer trajectory.

2. Content and Themes of Plays:

Puritanical influence permeated the themes of early American plays. The moral and religious undertones prevalent in American drama could be traced back to Puritan beliefs. Early plays often aimed to teach moral lessons rather than simply entertain, mirroring the Puritan emphasis on the didactic purpose of literature.

3. Influence on Society's Reception of Drama:

Even after the production of plays started in America, society's reception of drama was lukewarm due to enduring Puritan values. There was frequent opposition to the construction of theaters, and actors were often viewed as disreputable. This societal skepticism towards drama affected the evolution of American theater, causing it to develop differently than in countries where theater was more readily embraced.

In conclusion, the Puritans' religious beliefs and their austere view of entertainment played a significant role in shaping the development of American drama. Their influence delayed the emergence of theater in America, shaped the themes of early American plays, and molded society's reception of drama. Had it not been for the Puritans, American drama might have had a more robust and diverse evolution.

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Q2. What do you understand by Experimental Theatre?

Q3. Attempt a critical note on ‘Musical’ and ‘Farce’ as forms of American Drama.

Q4. Discuss William Dean Howell’s ‘Self Sacrifice’ as a Farce.

Q5. Discuss ‘A Raisin in the Sun’ as a Marxist play.

Q6. What is Absurd Theatre? Elucidate with some example.

MEG 17 Solved Assignment 2023-24 : All assignments are in PDF format which would be send on email/WhatsApp (9958676204) just after payment.

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