IBO 01 Solved Assignment 2024-25


IBO 01 Solved Assignment 2024-25

International Business Environment

IBO 01 Solved Assignment 2024-25 : All assignments are in PDF format which would be send on email/WhatsApp (9958676204) just after payment.

Assignment Code: ASST/ IBO 01 /2024-25

Marks: 100

Attempt all the questions:

Q1. a) Define international economic environment. Discuss the major economic indicators of international economic environment which influence the foreign market decisions with examples.

The international economic environment refers to the global conditions and factors that impact the economic activities and performance of countries around the world. It encompasses various elements such as trade, finance, monetary policies, fiscal policies, exchange rates, and economic growth rates among others. Understanding the international economic environment is crucial for businesses, policymakers, investors, and other stakeholders to make informed decisions regarding international trade, investment, and financial activities.

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Gross Domestic Product (GDP): GDP measures the total value of goods and services produced within a country's borders over a specific period. It is a fundamental indicator of economic performance and growth. Changes in GDP growth rates can signal economic expansion or contraction, affecting consumer spending, investment, and overall economic activity. For example, if the GDP growth rate of a major trading partner declines, it may reduce demand for exports from other countries.

Inflation Rate: Inflation refers to the rate at which the general price level of goods and services rises over time. High inflation can erode purchasing power, reduce consumer demand, and impact investment decisions. Central banks closely monitor inflation and adjust monetary policies accordingly. For instance, if inflation rises above a target level, central banks may raise interest rates to curb inflation, which could affect borrowing costs for businesses operating in foreign markets.

Exchange Rates: Exchange rates determine the value of one currency relative to another. Fluctuations in exchange rates impact international trade competitiveness, the cost of imported goods, and the value of foreign investments. For example, a depreciation of a country's currency can make its exports more competitive in foreign markets, while an appreciation can increase the cost of imports.

Trade Balance: The trade balance reflects the difference between a country's exports and imports of goods and services. A trade surplus occurs when exports exceed imports, while a trade deficit occurs when imports exceed exports. Trade balances influence currency values, economic growth, and government policies. For instance, a persistent trade deficit may lead to currency depreciation and calls for trade protection measures.

Interest Rates: Interest rates influence borrowing costs, investment decisions, and consumer spending. Central banks adjust interest rates to manage inflation, stimulate economic growth, or control currency values. Changes in interest rates can impact exchange rates and capital flows, affecting international investments and financial markets.

Unemployment Rate: The unemployment rate measures the percentage of the labor force that is unemployed and actively seeking employment. High unemployment rates can lead to reduced consumer spending, social unrest, and government intervention in the economy. Businesses consider unemployment rates when assessing market demand and expansion opportunities in foreign markets.

Political Stability and Policy Environment: Political stability and policy predictability are crucial for economic growth and investment confidence. Political instability, conflicts, and policy uncertainties can disrupt economic activities, deter foreign investment, and affect market sentiment. For example, changes in government policies related to taxation, trade regulations, or investment incentives can influence foreign market decisions.

In conclusion, the international economic environment is shaped by various indicators that provide insights into the economic performance, growth prospects, and policy dynamics of countries. Businesses and policymakers analyze these indicators to assess risks, identify opportunities, and make informed decisions regarding international trade, investment, and market expansion strategies.

b) Explain the impact of elements of culture on a firm's international business operations with examples.

Q2. What is Balance of payments? Describe the components of balance of payments with hypothetical examples. How do deficit and surplus in Balance of payments affect international trade? Discuss with suitable examples.

Q3. Distinguish between the following:

a) Product Price Ratio and Factor Price Ratio

b) Added Networks Services and Internet Services

c) Consumer Surplus and Producer Surplus

d) Globalization and Glocalization

Q4. Comment on the following statements:

a) An international business firm should not monitor the foreign country's trade, monetary and balance of payments account.

b) A major problem with laws in different countries is that the legal systems of the world are harmonized.

c) Globalization has not influenced the Indian economy.

d) FDI does not help in accelerating the rate of economic growth of the host country.

Q5. Write short notes on the following:

a) The Heckscher-Ohlin-Samuelson (HOS) Theorem

b) Trade Related Investment Measures (TRIMS)

c) Special Drawing Rights

d) Alternative Dispute Resolution

IBO 01 Solved Assignment 2024-25 : All assignments are in PDF format which would be send on email/WhatsApp (9958676204) just after payment.

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