MDC 006 Solved Assignment 2024-25


MDC 006 Solved Assignment 2024-25

Research Methods in Development Communication

MDC 006 Solved Assignment 2024-25 : All assignments are in PDF format which would be send on email/WhatsApp (9958676204) just after payment.

Assignment Code: ASST/ MDC 006 /2024-25

Marks: 100

Attempt all the questions:

Q1. Elucidate various media theories related to selective Process.

Selective processes play a pivotal role in media theories, shaping how individuals perceive, consume, and interpret media content. Here are some prominent media theories related to selective processes:

Selective Exposure Theory: This theory posits that individuals tend to expose themselves to media content that aligns with their existing beliefs, values, and preferences. They actively select media that reinforces their preconceptions while avoiding contradictory information. This selective exposure can lead to the formation of echo chambers and filter bubbles, where individuals are only exposed to information that confirms their biases.

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Selective Perception Theory: Selective perception suggests that individuals interpret media messages in a way that confirms their preexisting attitudes and beliefs. People tend to selectively perceive information in a manner that supports their worldview while dismissing or distorting contradictory information. This phenomenon influences how individuals understand and process media content, often reinforcing existing opinions rather than challenging them.

Selective Retention Theory: Selective retention refers to the tendency of individuals to remember and retain information that is consistent with their existing beliefs, attitudes, and values while forgetting or disregarding information that contradicts them. This selective memory process influences how individuals recall and internalize media messages over time, reinforcing their preexisting beliefs and perceptions.

Uses and Gratifications Theory: This theory focuses on the active role of media audiences in selecting and using media content to satisfy their specific needs and desires. It suggests that individuals choose media based on the gratifications they seek, such as information, entertainment, socialization, or personal identity reinforcement. Selective processes occur as individuals actively seek out media that fulfills their particular needs and preferences, shaping their media consumption patterns.

Agenda-Setting Theory: Agenda-setting theory posits that the media play a significant role in influencing the public's perception of issues by determining the prominence and salience of topics in the public agenda. While individuals may selectively choose which media sources to consume, the media still have the power to influence the issues that people consider important by emphasizing certain topics over others. This selective agenda-setting process shapes public discourse and can influence public opinion and policy agendas.

Cultivation Theory: Cultivation theory examines how long-term exposure to media content, particularly television, can shape individuals' perceptions of social reality. It suggests that prolonged exposure to media narratives, especially those depicting violence, crime, and other social issues, can gradually influence viewers' perceptions of the world, leading them to adopt the perspectives and beliefs portrayed in media content. Selective exposure and retention play a role in this process, as individuals may be drawn to media content that reinforces their existing beliefs and perceptions.

These theories highlight the complex ways in which selective processes shape individuals' interactions with media content, influencing their perceptions, attitudes, and behaviors.

Q2. Discuss altitudes and appeals with special references to persuasive advertising.

Q3. Explain economic purser of media and its effects in politics.

Q4. What are the key audience theories in media landscape, Explain?

Q5. What are core concepts of Marxist Theory? Explain giving suitable examples from media landscape.

MDC 006 Solved Assignment 2024-25 : All assignments are in PDF format which would be send on email/WhatsApp (9958676204) just after payment.

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