MED 004 Solved Assignment 2024-25


MED 004 Solved Assignment 2024-25

Towards Participatory Management

MED 004 Solved Assignment 2024-25 : All assignments are in PDF format which would be send on email/WhatsApp (9958676204) just after payment.

Assignment Code: ASST/ MED 004 /2024-25

Marks: 100

Attempt all the questions:

Q1. Discuss the philosophy of the participatory approach. Discuss how participatory rural appraisal techniques are used in the development.

The philosophy of the participatory approach revolves around the idea that development initiatives are most effective when they actively involve the people affected by them. It's a departure from traditional top-down approaches, where decisions are made by experts or authorities without much input from the local community. Instead, the participatory approach recognizes the knowledge, experiences, and aspirations of the community members themselves as invaluable resources for successful development.

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Empowerment: Participatory approaches aim to empower local communities by giving them a voice and involving them in decision-making processes related to their own development. This empowerment fosters a sense of ownership and responsibility, which can lead to more sustainable outcomes.

Local Knowledge: The approach acknowledges that local communities possess valuable knowledge about their own needs, challenges, and potential solutions. By tapping into this knowledge, development interventions can be more contextually relevant and effective.

Bottom-Up Decision Making: Instead of imposing solutions from the top-down, participatory approaches prioritize bottom-up decision-making processes. This means that development plans and strategies are shaped in collaboration with the community members themselves, ensuring that interventions align with their priorities and values.

Capacity Building: Participatory approaches often involve capacity building initiatives aimed at enhancing the skills, knowledge, and capabilities of community members. This can include training programs, workshops, and other educational activities designed to empower individuals and communities to take charge of their own development.

Participatory Rural Appraisal (PRA) techniques are a set of tools and methods used to facilitate the participatory approach in rural development contexts. These techniques are designed to gather information, insights, and perspectives directly from community members in a participatory and inclusive manner. Some common PRA techniques include:

Community Mapping: This involves creating maps of the local area with input from community members. These maps can include physical features, resources, infrastructure, social structures, and other relevant information. Community mapping helps to visualize local assets and challenges and provides a foundation for planning and decision-making.

Focus Group Discussions: Focus group discussions bring together small groups of community members to discuss specific topics or issues related to development. These discussions allow for in-depth exploration of community perspectives, priorities, and concerns.

Transect Walks: Transect walks involve walking through the community with community members to observe and document different aspects of the environment, such as land use, natural resources, and infrastructure. Transect walks provide a hands-on way to gather information and insights while engaging directly with the local context.

Seasonal Calendars: Seasonal calendars are visual tools that document seasonal patterns and activities relevant to the community, such as planting, harvesting, and festivals. These calendars help to understand the temporal dynamics of the community and identify opportunities and constraints for development interventions.

Venn Diagrams and Matrix Ranking: These tools are used to facilitate discussions around priorities, preferences, and relationships within the community. Venn diagrams can be used to explore overlaps and intersections between different aspects of community life, while matrix ranking can help to prioritize options or interventions based on predefined criteria.

Overall, participatory rural appraisal techniques play a crucial role in promoting community engagement, ownership, and empowerment in the development process. By involving community members as active participants and drawing on their knowledge and insights, these techniques help to ensure that development interventions are contextually appropriate, sustainable, and impactful.

Q2. a) When was the Community Development (CD) Programme launched in India? What were the various ways in which it was the first of its kind to improve the people’s participation?

b) What are the various problems of departmental approach as in Pakistan’s development? Give any two important features of the Agha Khan Rural Support Programme (AKRSP).

Q3. What are the aims, mission and functions of SACEP? Give its organizational arrangement also.

Q4. With the help of a successful example of a women’s movement in protecting the environment discuss the role of women in environment and development.

Q5. a) Is hierarchy appropriate for organizing? In what way it may be lessened?

b) The following statement was made by a Chipko movement activist: “….The women’s and ecology movements are therefore one, and are primarily counter-trends to a patriarchal maldevelopment.” What is your opinion on the above comment?

Q6. Describe how the model “Reversals in Learning” help farmers in sustainable and equitable development.

Q7. a) What are the different types of financial assistance received by SACEP? (5)

 b) What are the policy directives of the trends in policy in Joint Forest management?

Q8. Discuss how Orangi Pilot Project can help to build a model urban developed unit in our country.

Q9. a) How can Participatory Forest Management help in the development of both, the people living on the edge of forest and the forest.

b) Describe how tourism and urbanization are destroying the mountain ecosystem. Suggest what measures are to be taken for sustainable mountain development

Q10. a) Differentiate between PIM and IMT.

b) How can coastal community’s participation help in ICM process?

c) What is the importance of wetland in our country and how it should be conserved?

MED 004 Solved Assignment 2024-25 : All assignments are in PDF format which would be send on email/WhatsApp (9958676204) just after payment.

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