MJM 020 Solved Assignment 2024-25


MJM 020 Solved Assignment 2024-25

Introduction to Journalism and Mass Communication

MJM 020 Solved Assignment 2024-25 : All assignments are in PDF format which would be send on email/WhatsApp (9958676204) just after payment.

Assignment Code: ASST/ MJM 020 /2024-25

Marks: 100

Attempt all the questions:

Q1. In light of a prominent theory or model in journalism and mass communication, critically analyze a significant media event or trend from the past year. How does this event or trend illustrate or challenge the chosen theory? Provide specific examples and insights in your analysis.

One prominent theory in journalism and mass communication is the agenda-setting theory. Proposed by Maxwell McCombs and Donald Shaw in 1972, this theory suggests that the media doesn't tell people what to think, but rather what to think about. In other words, the media influences the public agenda by highlighting certain issues over others, thereby shaping public opinion and priorities.

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A significant media event from the past year that can be analyzed through the lens of agenda-setting theory is the COVID-19 pandemic and its coverage across various media platforms. The pandemic has dominated news cycles globally, influencing public discourse, government policies, and individual behaviors. Let's delve deeper into how this event relates to agenda-setting theory:

Media Focus on COVID-19: Throughout the pandemic, media outlets have extensively covered various aspects of COVID-19, including its spread, impact on public health, economic ramifications, vaccine development, and governmental responses. By consistently featuring COVID-19-related stories as headline news, the media has effectively placed the pandemic at the forefront of public attention, thereby shaping the public agenda.

Emphasis on Specific Narratives: Within the overarching coverage of COVID-19, certain narratives and themes have received more attention than others. For instance, stories highlighting healthcare workers' heroism, the importance of social distancing measures, debates over mask mandates, vaccine efficacy, and concerns about misinformation have been particularly prominent. These emphasized narratives have influenced public perceptions of the pandemic and guided discussions on related topics.

Impact on Public Opinion and Policy: The extensive media coverage of COVID-19 has influenced public opinion and behaviors. For example, news reports about rising case numbers and overwhelmed hospitals have heightened public awareness of the virus's severity, leading to increased adherence to preventive measures such as mask-wearing and vaccination. Moreover, the media's focus on government responses to the pandemic has influenced public evaluation of policymakers' handling of the crisis.

Challenges to the Theory: While agenda-setting theory accurately describes the media's ability to shape public agendas, it also faces challenges in the digital age. With the proliferation of social media and alternative news sources, individuals have greater control over the content they consume, potentially diluting the media's agenda-setting power. Additionally, the emergence of misinformation and conspiracy theories related to COVID-19 highlights the complexities of agenda-setting in an era of information abundance and fragmentation.

In conclusion, the COVID-19 pandemic serves as a compelling case study for agenda-setting theory in journalism and mass communication. The media's extensive coverage of the pandemic has influenced public attention, perceptions, and behaviors, illustrating the theory's relevance in shaping societal agendas. However, challenges such as the rise of social media and misinformation underscore the need for nuanced analysis of agenda-setting dynamics in contemporary media environments.

Q2. Considering what you have learned about media ownership, select a recent case where media ownership significantly influenced the coverage of a major event or shaped a media trend. How did the ownership structure impact the narrative, and what does this reveal about the relationship between media ownership and journalistic practice.

Q3. Identify a prominent social issue that has been the focus of a recent marketing campaign. Critically evaluate how marketing communication has been applied in this campaign. Discuss the impact of these strategies on public perception.

Q4. Examine a recent Indian film that has sparked significant public discourse. How does the film's portrayal of a particular social issue reflect or challenge existing societal norms and values? Discuss the film's impact on public perception and dialogue surrounding the issue, considering the influence of film as a medium in shaping social consciousness.

Q5. Select a recent major news event and compare its coverage in two news outlets of an Indian language. Analyze how language influences the framing of the story, the choice of words, and the overall narrative.

MJM 020 Solved Assignment 2024-25 : All assignments are in PDF format which would be send on email/WhatsApp (9958676204) just after payment.

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