MJM 025 Solved Assignment 2024-25


MJM 025 Solved Assignment 2024-25

Media Ethics and Laws

MJM 025 Solved Assignment 2024-25 : All assignments are in PDF format which would be send on email/WhatsApp (9958676204) just after payment.

Assignment Code: ASST/ MJM 025 /2024-25

Marks: 100

Attempt all the questions:

Q1. Choose a recent advertising campaign or advertisement that has garnered attention, either positively or negatively, in terms of ethical considerations. Analyze the advertisement using ethical frameworks such as honesty, transparency, social responsibility, and cultural sensitivity. Discuss the potential impact of the advertisement on consumers, society, and the brand's reputation.

One recent advertising campaign that sparked significant controversy and ethical debates is the Peloton "The Gift That Gives Back" holiday commercial released in 2019. This advertisement gained attention for various reasons, including concerns about body image, gender dynamics, and social responsibility.

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Honesty and Transparency: While the advertisement itself was straightforward in its depiction of a husband gifting his wife a Peloton bike, critics argued that it portrayed an unrealistic and potentially harmful narrative. The advertisement implied that the husband was encouraging his already slim wife to exercise for the sake of her appearance, which raised questions about the honesty of the portrayal of relationships and fitness motivations.

Social Responsibility: The advertisement faced backlash for perpetuating unrealistic beauty standards and promoting an unhealthy emphasis on physical appearance. Critics argued that it reinforced gender stereotypes by suggesting that women should prioritize their physical appearance and adhere to societal standards of beauty. This aspect of the campaign raised concerns about Peloton's social responsibility in contributing to harmful cultural norms.

Cultural Sensitivity: The advertisement was also criticized for its lack of cultural sensitivity and inclusivity. The couple depicted in the commercial appeared to be affluent and predominantly white, which failed to resonate with a more diverse audience. This lack of representation can alienate potential customers and contribute to perceptions of exclusivity within the brand.

The potential impact of the advertisement on consumers, society, and Peloton's reputation was significant:

Consumer Impact: The advertisement elicited strong emotional reactions from viewers, with many expressing discomfort and frustration with its portrayal of gender dynamics and body image. This could potentially deter consumers from purchasing Peloton products or even lead to boycotts among those who found the advertisement offensive.

Societal Impact: The controversy surrounding the advertisement sparked broader discussions about societal expectations placed on women regarding their appearance and fitness. It also highlighted the importance of responsible advertising and the need for brands to consider the potential implications of their messaging on broader cultural narratives.

Brand Reputation: Peloton faced a considerable backlash following the release of the advertisement, with many consumers criticizing the brand for its tone-deaf portrayal of fitness and relationships. While Peloton attempted to defend the advertisement as a celebration of personal achievement, the damage to the brand's reputation was significant, and it took time for Peloton to recover from the controversy.

In conclusion, the Peloton "The Gift That Gives Back" advertisement serves as a pertinent example of the ethical considerations that brands must navigate in their advertising campaigns. By analyzing the advertisement through frameworks such as honesty, transparency, social responsibility, and cultural sensitivity, it becomes evident how the portrayal of certain themes can have far-reaching implications for consumers, society, and the brand's reputation.

Q2. Explore the concept of the Right to Information (RTI) in the context of transparency, accountability, and democracy. Select a case study from your country or region where the RTI has played a significant role in revealing government actions or decisions.

Q3. Examine the complex landscape of privacy in the digital age. Choose a recent case, event, or technology development that has raised significant privacy concerns in the digital space. Analyze the implications of this case on individuals' digital privacy, data protection, and online surveillance.

Q4. Explore the concept of self-regulation in the media industry. Analyze a recent incident or controversy related to media ethics, accuracy, or accountability. Examine the response of media organizations involved in the incidence and assess the effectiveness of their selfregulation measures. Present your analysis in a well-structured essay, and propose recommendations for enhancing self-regulation practices in the media industry.

Q5. Select a case study involving copyright issues in the realm of media, arts, or entertainment. Reflect on the evolving nature of copyright in the digital age and its implications for content creators, consumers, and the creative industry. Discuss the potential reforms or alternative approaches to copyright that may better accommodate the needs of content creators and society.    

MJM 025 Solved Assignment 2024-25 : All assignments are in PDF format which would be send on email/WhatsApp (9958676204) just after payment.

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